Sunday 3 August 2014

How to connect windows phn to pc?

How to connect windows phn to pc?
Windows Phone has become a most anticipated mobile platform like Android. In the initial release, several commentators were confused with oversight of its functionalities like tethering and copy/paste. Due to the omission, the platform was arguably punished and resulted in bad reviews. Even worse, LG and Samsung launched the devices with tethering in order to compete with Windows Phones. Since then, Microsoft considered these problems and resolved them in the latest release. New devices of Nokia, HTC and other next gen devices now come with Windows Phone 7.6 “Mango”. Even better, you can upgrade older models with this platform and make wireless tethering accessible. With it, you can connect your Windows Phone to your PC for wireless internet connectivity. About Wireless Tethering Luckily, wireless tethering has become possible for the users of Windows Phone. This feature has significant benefits. In older days, you might not have wireless functionality to access closest wireless connections even with having netbook, tablet or laptop. It is due to wireless tethering with which Windows Phone can easily be used like a Wi-Fi hotspot for internet connectivity. However, you need to consider some important things. First one is that you may easily get higher internet bill than your affordability if you don’t have unlimited usage plan on your mobile phone. So, it is better to check your plan before you proceed. Second most important part to keep in mind is that your mobile battery can drain off easily because wireless tethering takes more power. Hence, users are advised to use it only for short time if possible. Or keep charging your device.

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