Sunday 15 February 2015

Stay Safe With The BACtrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer away from police

Get 14% off the BACTrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer ($42.99 incl. shipping)
every younger know their concept of drink and drive.lot of times you and your surroundings captured by police under drank and driving..their problems solving solution now available in market..this making simple through in your life
Everyone knows that drink-driving is stupid, so it would be nice to be able to test your blood alcohol level without a cop on hand. That is precisely what the pocketable BACTrack Vio Smartphone Breathalyzer offers, and it is currently on 14% discount.
Rather than trying to fit a tiny screen onto an inch-wide device, BACTrack has chosen to pair the Vio with an app for iOS and Android. When you blow into the Vio, the reading is sent to your phone via Bluetooth, with the results coming up on screen. In addition, the app keeps a log of your previous results, provides feedback on what your scores mean, and even lets you play a game of “Guess your BAC” to show just how intoxicated you are. The Breathalyzer itself is accurate to 0.00%, and is ready to take a reading within seconds, with three sanitary mouaptched bythpieces supplied to keep things germ-free. Visit the link to grab one at the reduced price.

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